Tuesday, June 19, 2012



            Understanding the Impact of Technology on Education, Work and Society is a graduate course that I have been taking at Walden University. This course has helped me develop various technology skills for my teaching career. I have gained many insights and learned many ways of integrating Web 2.0 technology within the classroom. The book Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms by Will Richardson gave me knowledge about how to use these types of technologies. The book was informative and explained ways to get started with these technologies and how to incorporate them within the classroom.

            Throughout this course I have been able to deepen my knowledge of teaching and learning and how both can be done through the use of technology. Tools that are available to teachers to use within the classroom today are fantastic. Teachers must be flexible and willing to change their classrooms by adapting new technologies within their lessons. In this course I was able to watch many video podcast’s by Dr. David Thornburg who spoke about the importance of technology and 21st century skills. The skills outlined by Dr. Thornburg include critical thinking, problem solving, communication, teamwork and collaboration, information technology and leadership. (Laureate, 2011) These skills can be taught by incorporating technology like blogs, wiki's, podcasts and any other technologies that will develop in the future.

            There are many ways that the classroom can shift from a teacher-centered to a learner-centered environment.  As mentioned by Marc Prensky and David Thornburg today's teachers need to be facilitators in the classroom. They should allow students to explore the technology and the information available. Being a facilitator enables students to work together and get the information through exploration, instead of the teacher. This type of learning also gives students more power within the classroom. Technology will allow for a learner-centered classroom because the students will be gathering the information themselves and working on projects together through collaboration. It will no longer be a teacher-centered environment where the students wait for the teacher to give them all of the information. The classroom in the 21st century has been and will continue to change because of technology.

            As an educator I plan to continue to expand my knowledge of various technologies. I want to continue learning and being able to teach with new technologies. I plan to continue taking technology courses at Walden. I also plan to explore different blogs that I have found about technology and see what other teachers are doing and how they are using technologies. Having a great support system at work will also enable me to collaborate with other teachers and discuss what we can do as grade level teams.

            After being exposed to the various ways in which I could use blogs, wikis, and even podcasts in the classroom I was inspired to incorporate some of these in my classroom. Therefore, I have set up two long terms goals of integrating and using technology with my students.  One long term goal I have is to transform myself and my classroom from the 20th century to the 21st century mindset through the incorporation and usage of new technologies such as blogs. I want to incorporate the technologies that I learned about in this course and many others that will surface in the future to facilitate student learning. Another goal that I have is being able to essentially go paperless. My goal would be to use technologies available online that would allow students to post all of their homework and even class work online. Current programs like Drop Box allow for many to access files, edit them, and see them anytime and anywhere. This way I will have access to student work and I will be able to grade it and send back my corrections or suggestions to the students quickly.

            In the beginning of this course I completed a checklist about practices that support 21st century skills. After completing this course I find that my responses to the questions listed on the checklist will continue to change. Instead of rarely developing or integrating technology into my lessons I will be doing it more often. I will also be looking for support networks that will allow me to learn more about integration of technology. My ultimate goal is to be able to create a successful 21st century classroom.


Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). Skills for the 21st Century. Retrieved from https://class.waldenu.edu/webapps/portal/frameset.jsp?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fblackboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse%26id%3D_549906_1%26url%3D

Prensky, M. (2008, March). Turning on the lights. Educational Leadership, 65 (6), pp. 40-45.

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin

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